(last updated 18 December 2020)
Portal: SHARIAsource
SHARIAsource is a portal for Islamic law that provides content and context on Islamic law. Organized geographically and historically, the Portal’s primary sources and other documents demonstrate the long and diverse history of Islamic law. The Portal collects, collates, and organizes primary sources in tandem with scholars from other institutions, taking note of how a collection of sources may fit into the scope of historical and contemporary developments and debates in Islamic law. The Online Companions to the Harvard Series in Islamic Law allows authors and translators to provide additional content and context on what was left on their books’ cutting room floors. Our Special Collections organize information to do with a specialized topic into a useful and interactive format.
SHARIAsource houses the ecosystem of primary sources, data, and AI tools for sources. Primary sources on Islamic law are uploaded here in pdf, copied and pasted into the word processing platform, and linked to online companions if applicable.
Submissions process
Submitter should submit via the Formstack online submissions form. Please provide as much detail as possible. Uploading sample texts are also highly preferred.
NB: Some primary sources may require a longer summary. This holds particularly true for landmark cases.
SHARIAsource review process
A PIL staff member will contact you to confirm receipt. The submission then undergoes editorial review including final approval by the Editor-in-Chief. You will be emailed a decision. If accepted, a PIL staff member will create a new SHARIAsource Editor account for you.
How to Upload a Document to SHARIAsource:
- Go to http://shariasource-dev.imakewebthings.com/users/login
- Sign in with your email and password
- On the black ribbon at the top, click “Documents”
- Click the blue “New Document” link
- Fill in the various required fields
- Choose a PDF file by clicking the link at the bottom of the page (if appropriate)
- Click the blue “Create Document” link at the bottom of the page
SHARIAsource publication checklist:
- Has the article been summarized appropriately?
- Is there a title that will be easy for end users to read and understand among a long list of search results?
- Have links to the original source been added if applicable?
- Is the item copyright free?
- Has all relevant metadata tagging been included?
Troubleshooting, “helpful tips”
The Portal can be very finicky. For articles that are being entered into the word processor it is a good idea to open a separate window, publish momentarily to see how the entry appears, and make any necessary changes using the other window. This particularly applies to the word processor. What you see is not what you get.
For more control over alignment use tables.