Hot Off the (DIGITAL) Presses: JIL Volume Two is Finally Out!: We are pleased to announce the publication of the second volume of the Journal of Islamic Law. This peer-reviewed online Journal—published together with a regular Forum—features new scholarship in Islamic legal studies. Focusing on historical, comparative, and law and society approaches to Islamic law, Journal editors also have a keen interest in featuring data science tools and approaches to scholarship in this field. The Journal features long-form articles, essays, case notes, and other new developments in the field. The more dynamic Forum provides space for timely scholarly engagement and debate: invited roundtables on thematic issues of the day, essays on manuscripts or recent scholarship, and reviews of data science tools for the field.
We invite you to digitally explore the second issue which includes in the main Journal two articles, by Sohaira Z Siddiqui and Tobias Scheunchen, and a case brief by Thomas Francis on recent developments and scholarship in Islamic family law. A set of student notes by Cem Tecimer, Ari Schriber and Limeng Sun comment on primary source materials on the status of the Hagia Sophia museum-turned-mosque in Turkey, questions of pandemics and plague in 19th-century Morocco, and regulation of Uyghurs in China, respectively. The Forum features selected essays from the Islamic Law Blog’s Roundtable on Islamic Law & Legal History, with contributions from Intisar Rabb, Maribel Fierro, Marina Rustow, Ersilia Francesca, Najam Haider, Marion Katz, Haider Hamoudi, Joseph Lowry, Bogac Ergene, Metin Cosgel, and Hiroyuki Yanagihashi. Check out the new issue today!
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