Occasional Papers

The Occasional Papers Series provides a forum to deepen and amplify excellent scholarship in Islamic legal studies. The series seeks to promote discussion about Islamic law scholarship in the twenty-first century, with contributions from authors who comment on contemporary debates, historical trends, and policy aspects of Islamic law. The series is peer reviewed and open access; it is available for download free of charge. 

Current Papers (PIL)

  1. Will Smiley, The Other Muslim Bans: State Legislation Against “Islamic Law” (January 2019)
  2. Nathan Brown, Comparing the Religion-State Divide in the Arab World: Constitutions (April 2017)

Previous Papers (ILSP)🛈

  1. Kilian Bälz, Sharia Risk: How Islamic Finance Has Transformed Islamic Contract Law (September 2008)
  2. Nimrod Hurvitz, Competing Texts: The Relationship Between al-Mawardi’s and Abu Ya`la’s al-Ahkam al-sultaniyya (October 2007) 
  3. Hisako Nakamura, Conditional Divorce in Indonesia (July 2006) 
  4. Mitsuo Nakamura, Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Observations on the 2004 General and Presidential Elections (December 2005)  
  5. Wilfried Buchta, Taking Stock of a Quarter Century of the Islamic Republic of Iran (June 2005)
  6. Jeanette Wakin, Remembering Joseph Schacht (1902-1969) (January 2003)
  7. Nawaf Salam, Civil Society in the Arab World: The Historical and Political Dimensions (October 2002)
  8. Parvez Hassan and Azim Azfar, Moving Toward an Islamic Financial Regime in Pakistan (September 2001)
  9. David S. Pearl, Islamic Family Law and Its Reception by the Courts in England (May 2000)