Talk: “Ottoman Passports: Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876-1908” with Ilkay Yilmaz, January 26, 2024 @ 12:00 pm

At the 35th W’OTSAp meeting on Friday, January 26, İlkay Yılmaz (Freie Universität Berlin) will present a summary of her book, Ottoman Passports, which was published by Syracuse University Press recently. Janet Klein (University of Akron) will be the discussant and David Gutman (Manhattanville College) will be the moderator. Reigster here.

Fellowship: Kamel Center at Yale Law School, 2024-2025

The Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization at the Yale Law School invites applications for its 2024-2025 residency research fellowships. While the directors entertain applications from mid-career scholars working on specific writing projects, the fellowships are primarily designed to bring promising junior scholars to the Law School in order

Call for Nominations: Islamic Law and Society CRN of the Law and Society Association, February 9, 2024

Nominations are now open for leadership of the Islamic Law and Society CRN of the Law and Society Association. As specified in the CRN by-laws, all members of the CRN may submit nominations, including self-nominations. Elections and Voting The current co-Chairs will call for nominations in January of the election year (hereinafter “election year”). All members