Islamic Legal Genres: Anas Sarmini
Posted on September 13, 2021
On Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 12:00-1:00PM US EST via Zoom, Professor Anas Sarmini, will speak on the form, function, and historical development of ikhtilāf al-fuqahāʾ as a genre as part of our ongoing monthly lecture series. Dr. Sarmini is an Assistant Professor at the Istanbul 29 May University. His research focuses on ḥadīth, uṣūl al-fiqh (jurisprudence), and Arabic. He completed his doctoral degree on ḥadīth and sunna from the University of Jinan in 2015, and a master’s degree on Arabic literature in 2013, and a second master’s degree from the University of Damascus in ḥadīth studies.