Call for Papers: Special Section – Lifewriting Annual and Islam
Posted on September 28, 2023From the organizers:
Lifewriting Annual is a forum for the discussion of all aspects of lifewriting—theoretical, critical, and scholarly. We hope that its broad scope fosters lively discussion about the ways that various forms of lifewriting inform each other. We seek critical and scholarly essays and reviews on biography, autobiography, memoir, journals, diaries, and letters for this annual publication in book form. We are particularly interested in articles describing and assessing scholarly resources for biographical writing, i.e., collections of manuscripts and letters. Creative pieces combining a lifewriting genre with another genre are welcome for the Crossingssection.
Lifewriting Annual plans a special section dedicated to lifewriting as it intersects with Islam across time and the world. We invite submissions that engage with representations of Islam and Islamic culture in/through biography, autobiography, essays, memoirs, journals, diaries, and letters for this annual publication in online form. Findings is our new forum for the presentation and brief discussion of noteworthy sources of lifewriting. Given the technical capacities of our new form of publication, we welcome visual as well as textual data, that is, descriptions and illustrations of lifewriting material meriting recognition and scholarly investigation by someone other than the discoverer. This forum is an opportunity to share accidental discoveries made while researching another topic, for instance. We invite libraries and archives to share information about their resources as well. This signals a return to the “source studies” of our predecessor publication.slight
Submissions are through our website. Authors should follow Chicago Manual of Style 17th ed. (author/date format). Essays no longer than 15,000 words; book reviews, 1,000-1,500 words. Use Word format with endnotes. Email inquiries are welcome at [email protected].
For more information, consult the LA website: