Fellowship: Thomas C. Grey Fellowship, Stanford Law School, 2025-2026
Posted on September 09, 2024
Stanford Law School invites applications for the Thomas C. Grey Fellowship. Grey Fellows teach legal writing, research, and analysis to small sections of first-year students each quarter, while writing their own scholarship in preparation for entering the market for teaching positions at law schools across the country. Over the last fifteen years, we have had a near- perfect record in placing Fellows in tenure track faculty positions. We are committed to developing a diverse set of scholars and strongly encourage applications from individuals with a broad range of life experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds who would contribute to
Stanford Law School and the legal academia.
Practice background and teaching. Applicants must have a J.D. and at least two years of law practice or clerkship experience in the US before starting the fellowship. Many Fellows have substantially more law practice experience. Fellows teach two courses, both taught as simulations. In the fall, Fellows teach Legal Writing, a two-unit course in which thirty students write a persuasive brief. In the winter and spring, Fellows teach Federal Litigation in a Global Context, a course split into two 2-unit quarters that models pre-trial motion practice in a transnational lawsuit. Eighteen students write and argue two motions. Fellows give students written and in-person feedback on legal writing and oral argument. Fellows receive teacher training and instructional materials. Many Fellows go on to win teaching awards as law professors.
Mentorship. Faculty mentors help Fellows develop their scholarship and place favorably on the teaching market. Faculty on the Legal Research and Writing Committee advise Fellows on their research and match Fellows with faculty mentors in related fields. Fellows participate in: weekly workshops, one with faculty, another with other Fellows, junior faculty, and JD/PhDs; and the annual Grey Fellows Forum, a spring gathering with our community of current and former Fellows who share feedback on works-in-progress and mentor Fellows preparing for the academic job market. Fellow jobtalk papers have been published at flagship law reviews, including at Harvard, Chicago, Stanford, NYU, and Georgetown. And in the year Fellows go on the teaching market, faculty members review FAR forms, CVs, and research agendas, and moot job talks and interviews.
Salary and appointment. The fellowship is full-time with an expected starting base pay of $85,000. Fellows are also provided an annual budget for professional development and research, such as attending conferences and hiring research assistants. The initial term of appointment is one year beginning in August. Fellows are expected, on reappointment, to serve a second and third year. Reappointments are granted on demonstrated excellence in teaching, citizenship in the legal writing program and at the law school, and progress on legal scholarship.
Apply by October 15. To apply, please upload your application here. Contact Alicia Thesing, Director of the Legal Research and Writing program, at [email protected], with any questions.