
Visiting Researcher: Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, 2024-25, January 15, 2024

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Applications for the CMES Visiting Researcher Program<https://cmes.fas.harvard.edu/vr-program> are due January 15.

CMES is currently accepting applications for unpaid Visiting Researcher positions for the 2024-25 academic year. The main appointment categories are Visiting Scholar, for tenured and tenure-track faculty members on paid leave from other institutions, and Visiting Fellow, typically specialists in the region who work outside of academia.

The support of a CMES-affiliated Faculty Sponsor<https://cmes.fas.harvard.edu/potential-faculty-sponsors> must be arranged prior to completing the application.

Applicants should propose a project to be completed in person at Harvard University that explores one or both of the following themes:

1.  Environment/Climate
2.  Palestine

A description of application requirements and a link to the portal can be found here<https://cmes.fas.harvard.edu/vr-programs/applications>.

Please contact Jesse Howell ([email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> ) with questions.