
Conference: 10th IDHN Conference, November 9, 2023

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From the organizers:

We are inviting you to our 10th IDHN Conference on November 9, 2023. Attached to this email, you will find the program of the conference together with the registration link.

We will hear four exciting presentations:

  1. Joshua Little (Independent): Revolutionising Hadith Diagrams: A New Resource for the Field

2. Ali Aghaei (Paderborn University): Digital Edition of Early Quranic Manuscripts: Methodological Considerations from the Irankoran Project

3. Ali Cebeci (Georgetown University): Do Transmitters Leave Fingerprints? Profiling Hadith Transmission through Mass-Data Analysis

4. Salwa Alahmari (University of Leeds): ChatGPT for identifying Saudi Dialects

In order to attend the conference please register at:https://georgetown.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpdeCoqzksHdXWpday6cDQsnsnVJFJfERc


Call for Papers: 10th IDHN Conference, October 8, 2023

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From the organizers:

The deadline for our CfP is coming up on Sunday, October 08th, 2023! We look forward to learning from you at our 10th IDHN Conference which will take place on Thursday, November 09, 2023.

We are calling for contributions from both members and guests, who are developing or deploying digital methods and tools in the study of Islam and Muslim communities and languages. Our conference is open to participants from both humanistic and scientific disciplines.

If you wish to participate in the conference, please send an email to [email protected] with a preliminary title, abstract (150-300 words), and your academic affiliation.

We will select four to six presentations for our conference. Each presentation will be 20 minutes long, followed by Q&A for 10 minutes. We will hold the meeting online on ZOOM; the access code and link will be sent to you in the network’s newsletter. We will schedule our conference to accommodate presenters from all time zones. This schedule will correspond with the morning hours in the Americas and evening hours in Europe and the Middle East.

Please share our announcement with your colleagues and students, and please forward this call to your networks and listservs as well.