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Call for Papers: Law, colonialism and gender in the Muslim world, July 1, 2024 (Conference: December 19-20, 2024)

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From the organizers:

This conference aims to bring together scholars working on the legal history of the Muslim world who focus on the colonial period and are interested in ‘gender-coded law’ (i.e. all legal domains that automatically invoke connotations of gender).

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The conference will be held at the University of Amsterdam on December 19 and 20, 2024. It will be a small (max. 15 participants) research seminar/workshop. Applications for participation, including 250-word abstracts and a 100-word brief biography should be sent to [email protected] by July 1, 2024. If selected, the conference organization provides for travel and accommodation. The conference will be held at the historical building of the Allard Pierson Museum in the city centre of Amsterdam, which is close to Central Station.

For details, visit the link here.


Call for Papers: The Medieval Academy at 100, The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, March 20-22, 2025 (deadline: June 3, 2024)

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From the organizers:

The Centennial Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America will take place on the campus of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, hosted by Harvard University, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Fitchburg State University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stonehill College, Tufts University, and Wellesley College. While the conference will take place in person, the plenary lectures and some other events also will be live streamed. Plenary addresses will be delivered by Kristina Richardson (Professor of History and Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Virginia), Sara Lipton (Incoming President of the Medieval Academy of America and Professor of History, Stony Brook University), and Wendy Belcher (Professor of Comparative Literature and African American Studies, Princeton University). The Annual Meeting will be followed by the Sunday annual meeting of the Medieval Academy’s Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA).

Submissions: Individuals may either propose individual papers or a full panel of papers and speakers, using the links provided below. Paper proposals should include the individual’s name, professional affiliation (including independent scholar), contact information, paper title, and a brief (c. 150-word) abstract. Session proposals should include the name and contact information for the session organizer, the session title, a c. 500-word abstract, and information for each of the session participants (including proposed chairs and respondents). Those submitting paper and session proposals also will be asked to indicate the thread(s) with which their contributions might best be associated. All submissions are due by Monday, 3 June 2024. If you have any questions, please direct them to the Program Committee chairs at [email protected].

Individual paper proposals [link = Bit.ly/MAA2025PAPERS] Panel proposals [link = Bit.ly/MAA2025Sessions]

For more details, see here.


Call for Papers: De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar’iah, June 2024

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From the journal:

The development of Islamic law in modern countries is an interesting study material for scholars and policymakers. Islamic law is believed to be able to build a civil society. De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar’iah aims to be an active forum to discuss new ideas about the development of Islamic law in Muslim or non-Muslim countries. This journal is not a forum for normative reflection on Islamic law but it focuses on the implementation, adaptation, compromise, or absorption of Islamic law in the national law of a country based on the principles of democracy, justice, rule of law, tolerance, and peace building.

De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar’iah focuses on contemporary issues in the field of Islamic law in indonesia and muslim countries with gender, political, and human rights approaches.

This journal provides insight into the contemporary dynamics of Islamic law by focusing on the question of how Islamic law adapts to various interests so that it becomes state law. This journal focuses on what Muslims actually do in order to accommodate Islamic law in a modern legal state.  De Jure considers that Islamic law can be used as a basis or source for the formulation of modern state law today.

Articles that make a more general theoretical or comparative contribution are preferable to those that focus narrowly on a particular society. Papers based on a single country or case should also address issues relevant to the implementation of Islamic law outside the country in question.

De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar’iah published by the Sharia Faculty of Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang,East Java, Indonesia.  De Jure has been accredited (SINTA2) by The Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Decree of the Director General of Strengthening Research and Development Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 30/E/ KPT/2019). Since Volume 14 issue 2 2022, the editors only accept and publish articles in English only.

For more information, visit here.


Call for Papers: The 4th Machine Lawyering Conference, Hong Kong, January 12, 2024

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23 May 2024 – 24 May 2024, Hong Kong

The Machine Lawyering Conference has established itself as one of the premier academic conferences globally, focusing on the intersection of law and digital technology, broadly defined. Since its inception at CUHK LAW in 2020, the conference has garnered a stellar reputation in Asia and beyond. Participants from diverse corners of the world have contributed to the conference by presenting papers that delve into a wide spectrum of issues, ranging from the legal and policy implications of artificial intelligence (AI) to data and platform governance. This collective exchange of ideas has proven to be highly effective in fostering cross-pollination among participants.

In line with the commitment to nurturing these valuable dialogues and staying abreast of the latest developments, CUHK LAW’s Centre for Legal Innovation and Digital Society (CLINDS) will host the Fourth Machine Lawyering Conference on 23-24 May 2024. The central theme of this conference will explore how the law responds to the ever-evolving landscape of digital technologies and emerging business models.

Abstracts and papers submitted by the specified date below will undergo blind peer evaluation by a review committee. The committee will recognize outstanding contributions by awarding three Best Paper Prizes. These prizes include round-trip economy airfare to Hong Kong and three days of accommodation during the conference. This initiative is designed to acknowledge and reward exceptional research and insights presented at the conference. We encourage all participants to submit their work and contribute to the vibrant scholarly exchange that defines this event.

TOPICS: For the avoidance of doubt, papers on the following topics are within the conference scope:
– Discrimination and other social problems resulting from the use of algorithms
– Online content moderation
– Legal issues in the metaverse
– Legal issues concerning autonomous vehicle
– AI and the law
– Digital platform governance
– Automated dispute resolution
– Competition Law in the Big Data industries
– Cybersecurity
– Legal technologies
– Intellectual property in automated systems
– Regulation of digital payment systems
– Personal data protection
– Crypto regulation
– Special problems of distributed ledger technologies
– Criminal law and digital technologies

Abstract (max 350 words) submission: 12 January 2024
Notification of acceptance: 9 February 2024
Paper submission for best paper prize: 29 March 2024
Registration deadline for accepted authors: 23 April 2024

SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Please submit your abstract as an email attachment to [email protected]. The file with your submission should state the proposed paper title and the abstract but not your name so as to allow for blind review. Please include your name, affiliation and contact details in your cover email, which should state “Submission for Machine Lawyering Conference” as the subject line.

CONFERENCE ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Kevin Cheng, Stuart Hargreaves, Robin Huang, Jyh-An Lee (chair), Eliza Mik, Normann Witzleb


Call for Papers: 10th IDHN Conference, October 8, 2023

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From the organizers:

The deadline for our CfP is coming up on Sunday, October 08th, 2023! We look forward to learning from you at our 10th IDHN Conference which will take place on Thursday, November 09, 2023.

We are calling for contributions from both members and guests, who are developing or deploying digital methods and tools in the study of Islam and Muslim communities and languages. Our conference is open to participants from both humanistic and scientific disciplines.

If you wish to participate in the conference, please send an email to [email protected] with a preliminary title, abstract (150-300 words), and your academic affiliation.

We will select four to six presentations for our conference. Each presentation will be 20 minutes long, followed by Q&A for 10 minutes. We will hold the meeting online on ZOOM; the access code and link will be sent to you in the network’s newsletter. We will schedule our conference to accommodate presenters from all time zones. This schedule will correspond with the morning hours in the Americas and evening hours in Europe and the Middle East.

Please share our announcement with your colleagues and students, and please forward this call to your networks and listservs as well.